
Surrey Wildlife Trust Ecology Services (SWTES) carried out a preliminary ecological appraisal (PEA) to determine general principles in relation to habitats and biodiversity and to establish how the site can support protected species. Habitats identified include grassland, trees, hedgerows and scrub; with potential to support invertebrates, reptiles, breeding birds, badgers, bats, and small mammals. Additional surveys were then carried out to establish whether any endangered species occupied the site. No reptiles were recorded. Bat activity surveys identified Common Pipistrelle bats on the southern and western boundaries. No badgers were identified. Vegetation removal was carried out under ecological supervision to check for hedgehogs. The invertebrates surveys will be undertaken in 2023.

Biodiversity studies are time-limited so some cannot be undertaken until 2023 otherwise they will be out of date by the time the planning application is submitted. There are no plans to destroy any natural habitat by removal of trees. SCC’s ecologists will prepare a biodiversity net gain report with an indication of the types of species and the mitigation associated with the development. We anticipate that the development will increase biodiversity on the site.